Budget friendly.

Value heavy. 


Higher House

Monthly Membership



G R O W  Y O U R  B U S I N E S S 

90 minutes of strategic support at a time.

Streamline and scale your business with a pay-as-you-go approach that’s budget friendly and value-heavy.

Join Now

For the established 
entrepreneur who:

  • already has an existing business that’s generating at least 3K in monthly revenue
  • has a clear business vision
  • needs to grow her business (like yesterday)
  • Is ready to dive deep to understand every nook and cranny of your business
  • Is open to identifying exactly where changes + optimizations need to be made ASAP
  • Has some limiting beliefs creeping in about your potential as an entrepreneur - beliefs that need some loving nourishment and redirection. (P.S. we all do, I’ll help you through this)

How It Works:

We begin during a two-hour intensive session. In this session we deep dive into every aspect of your business including your: vision, goals, frustrations AND wins, services or products, and financial metrics. (Don’t worry - I’ll provide a template for your metrics if you don’t have one already!)

You’ll come away from this session with a plan. We'll identify opportunities for your business in its current state, easy wins for for the future, and a focused strategy broken out into bite-size pieces to help you get there. From there, we meet monthly during a 90 minute monthly strategy session.

What You Get:

Here’s what you’ll get from our monthly work together after the initial session:

Focused Guidance

I’ll help you refine your big picture and the strategy to get there. And, I’ll also roll up my sleeves and DO some of the things that you find most challenging if you value being supported that way.

Flexible Monthly Support 

90 minutes of support per month. Choose from one 90-minute session or multiple 30-minute sessions within the month. This could look like two 30 minute calls plus 30 minutes of copyright support, a 90 minute strategy session, etc. The point is, you can mix and match as you'd like.


Please note: What’s not included is text and email support between sessions. If you want this level of support - The Whole House program is what you're looking for!


  • The initial introductory session is $497. This includes a 2-hour 1:1 intensive session. 
  • $225/mo is billed automatically on the same day each month starting one month following your intro session. 
  • You have the option to cancel anytime!
Let's Go


  • All forms of support, whether live or offline, are booked via Calendly in 30, 60, or 90 minute increments. 
  • Any time within the month that's not used is automatically "rolled over" to the following month.Â