Our Signature,
By Reason


Infinite Potential




O U R   S I G N A T U R E

An 8 week intensive program to jump-start your journey into entrepreneurship with personal clarity and professional focus.

Join Now

For the purpose-driven soul who is:

  • confident they’re here to create major impact on earth, but needs help putting what that is into words
  • ready to CREATE in a whole new way but doesn't know where to start or how to pivot
  • held back by the idea that doing what they love will mean earning less
  • craving personal clarity and professional focus
  • ready to crystalize all that inner work and self discovery into action through the lens of entrepreneurship
  • fired of feeling jealous seeing others live out their dreams yet riddled with imposter syndrome over creating yours

What You Get:

Four 90-minute coaching sessions with Jenni where you’ll discover how your unique passions and gifts inform how you’re meant to thrive in business.

Action steps customized just for you to support your integration between coaching calls.

A digital course (called The BluePrint) that supports you week-by-week.

A 50 page printed workbook that merges together all aspects of the program.

Access to recorded calls following each session (offered upon request).


A 60-minute Human Design career chart overview with Jenni following completion of module 2 of the course.






On a
holistic level,

you’ll experience deep transformation - the kind that shakes off limiting beliefs and helps you get beyond the doubts of your mind so that you can create with greater trust in your ability to turn your gifts into income.

On a
tangible level,

you will come away with a personalized, written outline of your personal mission as an entrepreneur. This mission will guide and inform your business vision and your business model. (I can help you create this in the Whole House program that follows!)


Put another way, you’ll know exactly how you’re designed to create in a way that’s focused on leveraging your gifts. When you know this, you also know where you require support to nurture the less intuitive aspects of entrepreneurship.

Please note:
What I do
not include in this program is support turning your business vision into a strategic plan. If this is something you desire, I support this process of strategic creation in my other two business mentorship programs.




You get out of this program what you put into it! To experience the full impact, you’ll want to dedicate at least 2 hours a week on average to watching supportive modules, connecting 1:1 with Jenni, and completing action items that move you forward. If you need more time beyond the 8-weeks, that’s no problem. We’ll customize it to your schedule.


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