Turn Worry Into Wealth

Mar 01, 2023

Welcome back!

A couple months ago I heard someone describe suffering as this: worrying about something happening in the future as if it’s already happening right now in the present moment.

Whether it’s stressing about cash or something else, we all do this. Why do we do this to ourselves?!

I’m not here to say that financial struggle isn’t real.

What I am here to offer are practical solutions that help you get out of the zone of scarcity and into a place where life feels more peaceful again. (Spoiler alert: this is an inside job.)

Many of the people that I coach have made 6 figures working for someone else for decades and are now transitioning into trusting that making 6 figures for themselves is also possible.

My point? Even these clients – people who have always had their needs met and have a safety net to show for it - worry about money.

Here’s the thing: Most people do this out of sheer habit even when there’s no actual scarcity to be concerned about in this very moment. Read that again. Is this you?


Regardless of your current financial situation, here’s a simple way to reclaim your mental freedom as well as your ability to attract money in a way that feels less burdensome.

1.    Feel your feelings. Science shows that when we fully allow our emotions to be felt in the body for 30 seconds up to one minute, their power dissipates. ACTION: Feel the fear. Let it move through you. Then, notice the stories that come up for you around money that need some acceptance (sans judgement) in order to be released.

2.    Elevate Your State. Gratitude is the only emotion that shares the same energetic frequency of love. It’s from this frequency that we can view our life circumstances as happening for us instead of to us, even when they’re uncomfortable. ACTION: Ask yourself: what’s happening for me that’s uncomfortable but that I can appreciate as a learning opportunity anyway?”

3.    Celebrate. For just 2 minutes practice visualization so that you can attract more of what you do want and less of what you don’t. ACTION: Close your eyes and envision doing or celebrating the very idea/thing that brings you the most amount of peace and joy. There’s no need to think about the “how”. Just envision the end result.


Try it out. See what happens! It’ll take you 3 minutes per day max. And, it'll move you toward your financial goals far faster than worrying will. 

Sending much love for an expansive month ahead, my friends!

xo, Jenni

Jenni Johnson


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