The Genius Business Idea That's Right in Front of You

business entrepreneur intention purpose the_blueprint Apr 12, 2023

Have you noticed that the most life-changing creations are often stumbled upon by accident?

Take velcro for instance. It was invented after an engineer saw how effortlessly burrs stuck to his clothing during a hike.

Or, what about our beloved champagne? Back in the day, fluctuating temps in the high altitude regions of France were creating carbonation issues in the wine fermentation process. That is until Dom Perignon decided to turn this problem into treasure.

The point is this: those annoying "problems" we dismiss often aren't problems at all. They're opportunities.

Problems are the way the universe tries to get our attention. 

Because it's often the issues, obstacles, and problems right in front of us that are the ones we (YOU!) are meant to overcome and then bring to the world.

When we let go of who we think we "should" be, synchronicities unfold faster than a champagne cork pops.

(OK maybe not, but wouldn't that be fun?!)

Turning issues into inventions just requires a little awareness, trust, and humility.

So, answer this question for yourself: What's annoying you in this moment? 

Get curious about it. How can you turn that into an opportunity?

I find some reflection on challenges of the past to be helpful too. (Hint: there's always at least one theme to uncover.)

In fact it's one exercise you'll find in my course because it's that valuable as a tool to help provide career clarity.

Don't let life's precious annoyances and lessons go to waste my friend. 

Allow them to transform.

Allow them to serve.

LMK what you find out.

With love, Jenni


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