The Biggest Mistake Early Entrepreneurs Make

business businessgrowth entrepreneur entrepreneurship humandesign humandesigninbusiness Apr 17, 2024

If you love listening to podcasts, reading self-help books, or are in a constant state of up leveling in your life, this is the email for you.

Especially if you’re looking to grow your business.

I work with some of the most curious and creative people out there. It’s the best!

And yet, what holds most curious people back is that their love of learning can create more distractions than it does deliverables.

(Pssst. I’m guilty as charged here too. Which is why I’m so passionate about sharing this tough lesson I’ve learned the hard way.)

The point is, I can tell you without a doubt that more info isn’t the answer. EVEN IF that information is stellar.

Here’s an example. Yesterday a client was telling me about this podcast episode where the guest said "business discipline begins with tending to your physical well-being first".

We shared the same sentiment that the advice was solid, but just like ALL advice, it has the power to motivate some and sidetrack others.

When it comes to entrepreneurship, no expert can tell you how you’re meant to succeed.   

…There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to choosing the right product suite, business model, or systems that will work for you.   

But HERE’S THE GREAT NEWS. Every single person has their OWN unique system for productivity.

And that awareness begins with these three things:

  1. Knowing what your unique gifts are. (Hint: This is what Human Design does and the gates coming off your sacral center give GIANT clues.)
  2. Applying your gifts toward work that you’re passionate about
  3. Making products or services that people want


Focus on what you’re good at. Reiterate. Repeat.

You don’t need more info. You need to know what your gifts are and apply them day after day on products and services that create value for others.

If you’re needing to remember what your gifts are, I invite you to join me in a Human Design Chart overview as a next step. There's 60 and 90 minute options. 

Until next time....


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