The Art of Doing Less

Jan 28, 2023

I’ll cut straight to it, my friend. My greatest months of business growth come when I do less. Wait, what?

Let me elaborate. When I dedicate time away from my business to focus on rest and connection with people that inspire me, my business grows with zero force. Every. Single. Time.

And by rest, I don’t mean lying horizontal whilst binge watching The Real Housewives of Wherever. I’m talking about the kind of restoration that leaves you feeling more whole.

One of my favorite authors, Richard Rudd, writes in his book, The Gene Keys, “If a system is to last, it must learn to feed itself while it grows.”

Put into context, the system that feeds your business is YOU. We’re talking about so much more than self-care here. We’re talking about the value of embracing stillness so that life has a chance to happen for you.  So that ideas and inspiration can move through you.

Before we move further, it’s important that I point out this “less is more” approach works best for those of us who lean toward over-doing it when it comes to taking action in our business. AKA this advice is not for the chronic procrastinator!

If you act often and frequently in your business, then inaction will likely be your business’s medicine. If you lean toward hyper-productivity like many of us, then beginning to just consider the idea that less can be more is a great first step.

If, on the other hand, you find yourself avoiding action in your business, your medicine will NOT be inaction. For you, taking one small imperfect action at a time will be your game-changing move.

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, we all need rest.

But, for those of you who feel like your day-to-day is an exhausting grind ask yourself this: What would it feel like to allow my life to unfold without urgent demand? Even if for just one day?

24 hours might be just what your business needs.

xo, Jenni

Jenni Johnson


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